These are the songs we played throughout the rite -- Lady Passion's selection of some of her favorite Pagani trance and dance music. (Many thanks also to Rowan Greenleaf, who compiled the songs expertly, and to Eli, the rite's highly talented DJ.)
On the left, in the sequence in which they were played, are each artist, album, and song title. On the right, you can buy each album from or from the artist's website.
Calling music (during the hour preceding the rite)
Snake dance
12) Kila, Tog E Go Boge: "Rusty Nails"
13) Kila, Tog E Go Boge: "Dusty Wine Bottle"
14) Kila, Lemonade and Buns: "Andy's Bar" Donning the soul-lights
15) Kila, Tog E Go Boge: "Ril A Do" SEE No. 12 16) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Something Wicked" SEE No. 17 Trance music (traversing the Underworld)
17) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Lurking Fear"
18) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Woe"
19) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Darkness Descends"
20) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Born of the Night"
21) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Haunted Nursery"
22) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Vampire's Kiss"
23) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Forbidden Crypts"
24) Midnight Syndicate, Born of the Night: "Nightstalker"
25) Kila, Lemonade and Buns: "Spicy" SEE No. 14 Spiral Dance
26) Kila, Tog E Go Boge: "Gwerzy" SEE No. 12 Walk to Divination Area
27) Blackmore's Night, Fires at Midnight: "Fires at Midnight" Divination music
28) Loreena McKennett, The Mask and the Mirror: "Marrakesh Night Market" 29) Loreena McKennett, Book of Secrets: "Marco Polo" SEE No. 11 30) Putumayo Presents, Gypsy Caravan: "Gypsy Song"
31) Putumayo Presents, Gypsy Caravan: "Codru"
32) Blackmore's Night, Fires at Midnight: "Fayre Thee Well" SEE No. 27 Breakdown of Site music
33) Enya, Watermark: "Evening Falls"
34) Enya, Watermark: "River"
(Inclement Weather music)
35) Enya, Watermark: "Storms in Africa" SEE No. 33 36) Blackmore's Night, Fires at Midnight: "Storm" SEE No. 27
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This page last updated: 11
Nov. 2004