Form a Goodly Spellbook Study
"Here is the thoroughly comprehensive,
absolutely definitive guide to spells, the basic handbook for
anyone looking to practice some hands-on magic."
Sterling Publishing Co., about
The Goodly Spellbook
We encourage everyone -- including students,
friends, prisoners,
and military Pagans -- to start a TGS
study group and practice its techniques.
Because studying and practicing magic is Constitutionally protected,
you shouldn't run into any difficulty doing so. If you do experience
discrimination, however, cite the reasons we give below to elicit
If you still meet resistance, email
Student TGS Study Groups
"All arts and sciences are interconnected
through correspondences, but schools organize them into different
departments, which then separate themselves further by developing
specialized technical languages. This prevents us from seeing
their similarities. If you're a student in school, studying many
different subjects, you are especially fortunate to be learning
the Art of Correspondences now -- it will help you find the connections
between such seemingly diverse disciplines such as math and music,
history and poetry, and geology and dance."
The Goodly Spellbook, page
- Magic is a legitimate, important field of study that links
most parts of any school curriculum, such as:
- History -- Magic preceded and spawned both science and religion,
and has been the subject of many of the world's persecutions
and conflicts.
- Mathematics -- Magic generates sacred geometry, as in architecture
- Social studies -- Magic pervades every culture, including
modern industrial countries.
- Art -- Magic explains the psychological effects of music,
colors, and sculpture shapes
- (Browse TGS's Table of Contents
to find many more examples)
- The Goodly Spellbook is a treasure trove of facts
for oral presentations and research papers on the history, theory,
or culture of Witchcraft. Its thorough bibliography also aids
further research.
- Wherever monotheistic (Bible, Talmud, or Koran) study groups
are encouraged, polytheistic study groups featuring tomes such
as The Goodly Spellbook are a perfectly legal spiritual
- Learning and practicing magic empowers young people, and
gives them hope and control over their own destiny.
This is especially important because
the suicide rate for those between 15 and 24 has tripled over
the past 25 years. 30% of American children now suffer from depression,
according to psychologist Martin E. Seligman (author of The
Optimistic Child).
TGS Study Groups Of Friends,
Relatives, Neighbors, or Like-minded Folks
"Witches and warlocks without any bother,
Like Gypsies, on meeting, well know one another."
The Goodly Spellbook, page 334
- Your meetings and magical rites are legally protected from
disruption by bigots.
- You have as much right to get together and support each other
in studying books on magic such as The Goodly Spellbook
as anyone else does to meet study books about Christianity, Judaism,
or Islam.
- You have every right to post notices of your meetings on
bulletin boards or in newspapers, if you wish, without fear of
Prisoner TGS Study
"Astral travel is an exciting adventure
for any spellcrafter. It's also very useful if you are unable
to travel conventionally -- if you are physically limited or
confined to a prison cell, for example."
The Goodly Spellbook, page
- If someone you know is a Wiccan or Pagan prisoner, they have
a legal right to read Craft literature and form a Witchcraft
study group.
- The Goodly Spellbook is as legitimate a spiritual
treatise as the Bible, Talmud, or Koran.
- To ensure that Pagan prisoners can study The Goodly Spellbook:
Either order the book on a prisoner's
behalf and mail it with a cover letter asking the state's prison
book review committee to approve it for inmates; or let the prisoner
know that their prison chaplain is legally obligated to work
with them to get TGS submitted for approval from the committee.
Military TGS Study Groups
"Today, flags around the world bear the
Witches' five-pointed star, even those of Communist and Islamic
nations, as an American-inspired symbol of aspiration toward
freedom. Very few...who patriotically salute their national flag
realize that they are paying homage to a pre-Christian magical
The Goodly Spellbook, page 26
- The First Amendment of the US Constitution protects military
Pagans' and Wiccans' right to freedom of religion, and thus to
study and practice magic.
- Wicca has been a recognized religion in military chaplains'
handbooks for decades now, and the courts have repeatedly affirmed
military Pagans' rights.
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Latest update: 09 March 2009