Swannanoa is about 20 minutes east of Asheville.
The 8th Annual Samhain Rite is a part of Earth Religions Awareness Week. These events honoring Nature-based spirituality are open to all Pagans and Pagan-friendly folk.
October, Month of the Dead
by: Shine
Coven Oldenwilde is ecstatic to announce that the 8th Annual Free Samhain Witch Ritual will be held at Capricorn Studios on Thursday, October 31st, 2002! This year the Coven is also working with the Mind Candy improv-theater group in production of a "Gypsy Masque-Revel". Hold onto your pointy black hats, there's more! There will be three Sunday workshops facilitated by members of Coven Oldenwilde that will culminate at the ritual on 'All Hallow's Eve' night.
Commonly known as Halloween, Samhain is recognized as one of the eight Sabbats celebrated by most pagans throughout the year, and indicates the mid-point between the Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice. For more information on this holiday, see practically any decent literature on Wicca/Paganism. For more information about the host Coven, please visit the website: http://members.aol.com/oldenwilde/ . (To find out more about Mind Candy Productions and Mosaic Vortex, see http://www.geocities.com/MosaicVortex/.)
The theme of this year's ritual event is a "Gypsy Masque-Revel" and the purpose of the ritual will be to build a Goddess of Vegetation. Those attending are asked to bring a contributing piece of vegetation, preferably of the more sturdy type, i.e, flowers, corn husks or cobs, gourds, etc. There will be a costume contest for the best-dressed gypsies (for children and adults), fortune-telling, as always, and various other entertainments and yummy treats afterwards. The reveling will start at 8pm sharp at the Capricorn Studios, an art gallery located in Swannanoa, NC, about ten minutes from downtown Asheville.
The classes will be held at the French Broad Food Co-op Learning and Movement Center 6-8pm on the second, third and fourth Sundays of October. Here is a short description of each class.
The first workshop, on the 13th, will be the making of masks for the ritual and tips on gathering/completing costumes.
On the 20th will be a workshop on making ritual favors (Witchy party favors) and simple instruments from easily obtainable supplies.
The final Sunday, the 27th, will culminate with "Gypsy Trance Music," a workshop that will concentrate on the rhythms that will be used in the Ritual on Oct. 31. Musicians of all calibers are invited, including those with the simple 'shake, rattle and roll' instruments that were made in previous Sunday's class.
Coven Oldenwilde would prefer that barter and fair exchange for these workshops is made, such as a donation of quality materials or supplies, extra favors and masks made and donated for use at the ritual, a monetary donation for supplies, or any combination of such.
The Samhain Ritual is, as always, free and open to the public of all ages. For those who would like to be more involved in the production of this event, it is recommended that you attend an Oldenwilde-facilitated class. I, Shine, am an official point of contact as a member of both Mind Candy and the Coven. If there are any questions please leave a message for me at Capricorn Studios (686-8020) with your contact information, or email me at shine70@charter.net. (Or contact Coven Oldenwilde, 828/251-0343, oldenwilde@aol.com.)
For those of you simply attending the ritual on October 31st, here are a few pointers. The purpose is to celebrate a Wiccan Holiday near and dear to our hearts, and our Shades! Some may have heard the expression to describe this night as the one when "the veil is the thinnest", meaning the seperation between this living reality and the dwelling of the dead. The Goddess of Vegetation that will be built is key, for She will eventually whither away our Intent to the Otherworld. But first, she will be on display for a week or so at Capricorn Studios afterwards, so please keep that in mind when deciding what to bring as a contibuting piece. Also note the theme, "Gypsy Masque-Revel" when considering a costume ...one could imagine that they wish to mingle with the gypsies on this auspicious night and want to slip in disguised.... Coven Oldenwilde and Mind Candy Productions hope to see you at the time of the UnMasking!
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!
These free, public events at the end of October are held to educate people about Earth-based religions and their role in the Western North Carolina community. Info: byronb@buncombe.main.nc.us or (828) 253-6842.
E-MAIL: oldenwilde@aol.com
PHONE: (828) 251-0343
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This page last updated:
07 Feb. 2003