Videos of Two Divination Classes

Watch the Zoom videos of “Roll the Bones” and “Cultivating Kwan Yin”, two classes on divination Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei presented at the 24th Annual Pagan Unity Festival in June, 2021, at Henry Horton State Park in Chapel Hill, TN. Below each video are PDF handout links for each class (optional but helpful). Both classes demonstrate Witch skills described in The Goodly Spellbook.

This was the first time PUF has been held as a “hybrid” festival — both in person and online — so the videos are somewhat rough-and-ready. Expand them to full-screen, raise the audio volume high, and ignore the accidental caption at the screen’s lower left. (Incidentally, we had a wonderful time at PUF and highly recommend it!)

Roll the Bones

Learn how to divine the future using vertebrae, nut-halves, pebbles, paper balls, or 3 playing cards! An adept High Priestess reveals her tricks.

At 19 minutes in this video, Lady Passion throws a handful of cowries that land in a pattern one attendee describes as a “lightning bolt.” We later learned that at that very moment, attendees near the room’s window heard a thunderclap outside!


Cultivating Kwan-Yin

All despair: Learn the Goddess of Compassion’s history; virtues; instant advice oracles; statue types; offerings; and true stories of aid.


Recommended link:

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