Samhain 2020


  • What: Coven Oldenwilde’s 26th annual Samhain Sabbat
  • When: Saturday Oct. 31st (Halloween), sunset UNTIL
  • Where: The Covenstead at 113 Clinton Ave. (West) Asheville, NC, 28806 (corner of Clinton Ave. & Lane St.; park along curb across Clinton, or on Lane)
  • Wear: Cape/cloak/coat, costume, layers, and (you know what this means in 2020!) mask.
  • Why: Preserving our & our planet’s health through a time of pandemic & climate change
  • Features:
    • Pet Ol’ Charmer (the Coven’s Mast Beast) for goodly luck in the coming new year. Meet our new animated traditional “ugly stick”!
    • Walk with us cloaked, masked, distanced, to a nearby old oak; pocket an acorn. Return to our wildlife habitat and see the tall oak we planted from one of the tree’s acorns. Lament folk who’ve Crossed Over this year; honor your Ancestors. Chant for Covid immunity.
    • Conclude with camaraderie during a lavish fireside Cakes & Wine ceremony in gratitude to the Gods.
  • Menu:
    1. Bandaged fingers
    2. Witch fingers
    3. Mummy pizzas
    4. Mothman balls
    5. Spiked hot chocolate
    6. Shining punch (spiked pulp lime juice)

RSVP & ask what to bring to contribute to: Queen Lady Passion (828) 251-0343 or

Samhain 2020: Preservation is a participating event in Buncombe County’s 1st Annual Oak Awareness Month — OAKtober.

Defray expenses by donating to our nonprofit at:

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