Recommended Witch Books:
Tag: nature
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Illustrated, archaic, authentic, essential: De Occulta Philosophia (Three Books of Occult Philosophy) is the most influential book on magic ever written. Agrippa was a Renaissance German knight, theologian, feminist philosopher, and defender of witches who wandered the courts of Europe learning about and advocating for magic as the true synthesis of religion and science. His celebrated and persecuted grimoire and textbook on magic was an inspiration for The Goodly Spellbook. Editor Tyson's well-researched explanatory notes and illustrations more than make up for Freake's awkward 17th-century translation from the original Latin, which unfortunately remains the only available version in English of all three volumes.
- of color
- daimons
- of weekdays
- entities
- magical alphabets
- deities
- European
- Western
- grimoire
- planetary squares
- philosophy
- herbs
- spheres
- magic
- numerology
- planets
- occult
- moon
- art of correspondences
- nature
- archaic
- natural
- celestial
- astrology
- ceremonial
- authentic
Witchcraft Basics
Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines
Lore about Goddesses worldwide, including their magical correspondences and powers, feast days, myths, and much more.
- Sumerian
- sky
- nature
- Water
- South American
- Air
- wind
- spring
- Asian
- Goddesses: African
- storm
- Celtic
- angry
- summer
- Egyptian
- autumn
- volcanoes
- European
- mountain
- warrior
- Fire
- rain
- winter; history
- Meso-American
- raped
- God
- legend
- mythology
- river
- reference
- lore
- Native American
- sea
- Earth
Witchcraft Basics
Drawing Down the Moon
Craft history, information about diverse magical practitioners, groups, and Covens, and resources; written by a traditionally trained Gardnerian Witch; the author included information about Coven Oldenwilde in this 20th-anniversary update of her 1986 original edition.
- Witchcraft
- Pagans
- Craft terms
- America
- witches
- polyamoury
- Gerald Gardner
- ceremonial magic
- polytheism
- Gardnerian
- Druids
- history
- Priest
- magic
- Earth
- tradition
- principles
- occult
- Feri
- paganism
- spirituality
- Olde Religion
- gatherings
- God
- practices
- Goddess-Worshipper
- Goddess
- Priestess
- heathen
- nonfiction
- reference
- interviews
- ritual
- Wicca
- nature
- cosmology