BBC London Radio
The Late Show, hosted by Jumoké Fashola

Aired: Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Immediately after our signing of The Goodly Spellbook at the Atlantis Bookshop (Europe's oldest occult bookstore), a black limousine rushed us through the nighttime streets of London to BBC headquarters, where we were featured in a live interview by celebrity English journalist Jumoké Fashola (honored as Religious Broadcaster of the Year in 2005).
We were such a hit with callers that BBC extended our segment an extra 45 minutes!
(These files have been edited to exclude news breaks and non-interview-related material.)
~ MP3 Audio Files ~
- BBC excerpt (00m 42s)
- BBC interview, 6.7MB (50m 41s)
- BBC interview, 46.3MB (50m 41s)
Wicca and Witchcraft Today
Paradigm Radio, hosted by Night Raven on

Aired: Friday, Feb. 13, 2009

[Original show description:] "Wicca and Witchcraft Today with Lady Passion and *Diuvei: Special Friday the 13th Show! Wicca and Witchcraft Unveiled! Our Guests will be Dixie Deerman and Steve Rasmussen, also known as Lady Passion, High Priestess and *Diuvei, High Priest of Coven Oldenwilde in 'The Salem Of The South', Asheville NC. They will explain to us exactly what Wicca and Paganism is; from its history to how it is practiced today. We will learn about their holidays and symbolism, and discuss the persecution of witches in the days of old and the discrimination and bigotry witches still face today. They will talk about Magick and how it is used today, after all, they wrote the book on it! The link to their book will be available on the show page during the show. Visit their website at This is a show you don't want to miss."
~ MP3 Audio Files ~
- Night Raven excerpt (02m 02s)
- Night Raven interview, 28.1MB (2h 02m 52s)
Writing "The Goodly Spellbook"
Listening2Women, hosted by Elisa Boots on MAIN-FM (WPVM-FM) Asheville 103.5FM

Aired: Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fans of our The Goodly Spellbook will love this local interview, which reveals secrets about how and why we wrote the book.
(The 10.1MB file has been edited to include only the interview. The 61.2MB stereo file includes the beautiful Witchy music Elisa played during interview breaks.)
~ MP3 Audio Files ~
- Listening2Women excerpt (00m 36s)
- Listening2Women interview, 61.2MB (1h 06m 55s)
Wiccan Activism
Making Progress: News for a Change, hosted by Barry Summers on MAIN-FM (WPVM-FM) Asheville 103.5FM

Aired: Sept. 17, 2007

Asheville activist Barry Summers interviews Lady Passion on Coven Oldenwilde's successful Wiccan activism for peace, religious freedom, and the environment. She discusses our work to reform local police brutality in the wake of brutal arrests for protesting the start of the Iraq War (Barry was a co-founder with Lady Passion and *Diuvei of Asheville Justice Watch, which advocated for citizen oversight of police); repealing North Carolina's anti-psychic law; and the ritual to protect a threatened magnolia tree that would eventually (after this interview) lead to the city-wide protest campaign that stopped the Parkside condo development and changed local government.
(The 41.3MB "interview" file has been edited to include only the interview with Lady Passion. The 54.8MB "show" file includes the complete show.)
~ MP3 Audio Files ~
- Making Progress excerpt (00m 51s)
- Making Progress interview, 41.3MB (22m 35s)
- Making Progress show, 54.8MB (59m 51s)