Weddings & Handfastings: Rites of Passage

Queen Lady Passion & Diuvei, Ben & I cannot possibly express in words how grateful we are that you both were happy to perform our handfasting. Everything was perfect & somehow perfectly serendipitous (the bird theme wasn't intentional by my hand - our bouquets were made of feathers, the geese seemed to bless us & my friend made 1,000 cranes to give us good luck). We couldn't have had a better time. Thank you, Tamara & Ben

Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei are professionals who have officiated memorable Pagan/Wiccan Handfasting ceremonies and are also empowered to legally marry folks. They’ve done both kinds of rites for decades in enchanting ways that please everyone from grandma to frat-bro’ best man.

They have married couples, conducted a speed-dating rite that resulted in at least one marriage, and performed a mass Handfasting in front of the Buncombe County, North Carolina courthouse.

They have done rites ranging from extravagantly elaborate (such as on the ritzy Grove Park Inn terrace, complete with Maypole) to simple, atop a mountain, deep in the forest, in a lakeside gazebo, and riverside at sunset. They’ve wed couples that wore ornate black & silver, hippie natural garb, or nothing at all (“skyclad”). Many services culminate in a traditional after-feast or modern catered reception.

Every rite is unique and touching: They arrive dressed in traditional regalia; use the olde, traditional vows from the Gardnerian Book of Shadows and tools of Art (chalice and blade); have the couple jump their decorated, carved broom; and provide a personalized parchment copy of the vows to frame, as well as a keepsake blue silk handfast ribbon embossed “With Love in Our Hearts. Blessed be.” Each includes incense, candlelight — whatever magical ambiance the bride and groom or same-sex couple desires.

They offer their ritual room as a venue, or travel to the couple’s reserved or preferred location.

What you get:

  • Frame-worthy copy of the traditional Pagan vows
  • Embossed keepsake blue satin binding ribbon
  • Free Handfasting/Wedding planner full of ideas to make your day special
  • Personalized ceremony — we accommodate your colors, theme, venue
  • Phone and email access to ensure unforgettable event success
  • Tax-deduction for making a religious charitable donation

Browse our Album of Handfastings & Weddings:


Some testimonials:

When my partner and I decided to have a celebration of our love for one another with friends and family we decided that a traditional pagan handfasting ceremony would be perfect for our celebration. After a short search we came across Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei of Coven Oldenwilde. We quickly called Queen Lady Passion, who was kind, professional and worked with my partner and I to ensure that we got the exact ritual that we wanted. It was so easy to schedule the ceremony and the donation I left was well worth every penny! Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei provided us with a handfasting ceremony that was touching, but lighthearted, and involved our whole audience of loved ones. It was wholly unforgettable for us and our guests. When the time came to undo our binding, Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei gave us a beautiful personalized parchment of our vows and a keepsake blue silk ribbon that says “With Love In Our Hearts. Blessed be.” These wonderful keepsakes now hang on our wall as a reminder of our love for one another. I would highly recommend that others who want a unique, traditional Pagan Handfasting and legal marriage book these professional Witches!
— Tamara L.

[He] n I are completely enamored by each other… One would think at our age (44 n 36) there would be no more eye-gazing, heart-racing, nausea, can’t-wait-to-see-again type o’ meeting. I can only think that the love intent you guys sent out called me to you, and in turn, to him.
— T. P., Asheville

Save the Date!

Check date availability with Queen Lady Passion at: or (828) 251-0343, then reserve it by clicking the BOOK NOW button to make your $250.oo tax-deductible charitable donation to our 501(c)(3) religious nonprofit Coven Oldenwilde via secure PayPal.

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Learn more about Handfasting:

Merry nuptials everyone!

Rainbow-maned female-faced circle on left intersects with peacock-maned man-faced circle on right, symbolizing handfasting/wedding union.

“Moon and Sun”
by Lady Passion