Queen Lady Passion (Dixie Lee Deerman R.N., NLC): Accomplishments
Lady Passion (Dixie Deerman) is Irish and Swiss by ancestry. She has been a public Witch since 1976. Her magical name derives from Lady, a title earned when a female Witch attains Third Degree and becomes a High Priestess, and Passion, which describes her yen for all things magical. Her full title is Queen Lady Passion, "Queen" being a traditional Gardnerian designation for an HPS who has hived off several daughter Covens from her own.
Lady Passion’s magical specialties are all forms of divination, making herbal medicines, and creating elaborate rituals for thousands. She has counseled private clients since 1979. A healer and Registered Nurse since 1988, she won the right for nurses not to be fired for giving loyalty to their patient priority over loyalty to a hospital or doctor, in Deerman v. Beverly California Corporation (see here and here).
Lady Passion has written many books about magic, such as Candle Magic (Sterling Publishing, NY, NY), and the e-books Simply Savory: Magical & Medieval Recipes, Ask-A-Priestess: Wise Answers From a Real Witch, and Pagan Prisoner Advocate's Guide (smashwords.com).
Read her inspirational essay Fighting Words whenever you feel like you can't beat the powers-that-be.
Hear her Hypnotic Trance Induction tutorial in astral travel and working Witchcraft in other realms.
Lady Passion serves as clergy sponsor of hundreds of inmates & institutionalized folk nationwide each year, enabling them to secure their religious rights. See the daily-updated map of whom she's helping in prison.
View a gallery of print-quality photos of Lady Passion.
Lady Passion's Favorites:
Read Lady Passion’s reviews of hundreds of books about magic and magic-related subjects at Coven Oldenwilde’s Recommended Books. Buy from the site if you wish!
- Minchiate
- Lenormand
- The Bohemian Gothic Tarot
- Golden Botticelli Tarot
- The Cosmic Tarot
- The Tarot of Marseilles
- The Vampires Tarot of the Eternal Night
Read Lady Passion’s reviews of hundreds of Tarot decks at Coven Oldenwilde’s Recommended Tarot. Buy from the site if you wish!
- The Wickerman
- Practical Magic
- Sorceress
- "Let none stop you, or turn you aside." — Aradia, 1300s
- “Let ecstasy be mine, and joy on earth, even to me, To Me!” — "Lift Up the Veil"
Ashes of Roses