Announcing: |
1-on-1 Real Magic Tele-Teaching
Queen Lady Passion will TELE-TEACH individuals by phone every Wednesday & Thursday. All topics covered, freely record for reference. Confidential counseling, "confession," & medical & legal advice included. May lead to Initiation into the Gardnerian Lineage. How: Read The Goodly Spellbook preface-to-index; hit the secure PayPal DONATE button above for $150 per 90-minute session; then reserve your time-slot by email. 1st come, 1st served!
National Geographic
National Geographic magazine prominently features Queen Lady Passion and Coven Oldenwilde in a Travel article, " Paganism is on the rise — here's where to discover its traditions", by Christine Macintyre, published March 22, 2023.
Deerman says people curious about Paganism should search for ways to experience the culture firsthand and be ready to learn. "Tourists flock to meet us to see if what we write in our books is really true," she says. "They get to see that we live what we write, and are inspired by it."
It's In The Cards
It’s In The Cards: How to Tarot Like a Pro is Lady Passion’s definitive, beautifully color-illustrated guide to becoming adept at interpreting Tarot, Lenormand, and playing-card meanings. It also reveals Tarot’s subversive origin as a magical game to instill virtue in tyrants, reviews dozens of Tarot and Lenormand decks, and provides Tarot spells and exercises to sharpen your divinatory skills.
Oldenworks Online Witchcraft Shoppe
Our online Witchcraft store offers magical products; books on Witchcraft we review, rate, & recommend for or against; rune sets; and more than 100 recommended Tarot-card decks.
Pagan & Wiccan Prisoner Advocacy
We've enabled persecuted Pagans & Wiccans in prisons and mental institutions to win their religious rights for almost two decades. Learn why we aid this vulnerable segment of the Craft community; view an interactive map of U.S. prisons with Pagan/Wiccan inmates; and see a gallery of artwork by grateful inmates!
Counseling & Guidance |
Do you
have a pressing problem? Consult
directly with Lady Passion
for magical advice and counseling.
Lady Passion is a highly
skilled diviner, psychic, and herbalist; she is also an R.N., with
extensive experience in both physical and psychological medical care.
Handfastings & Weddings |
Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei are professionals who have officiated memorable Pagan/Wiccan Handfasting ceremonies and are also empowered to marry folks legally. They’ve done both kinds of rites for decades in enchanting ways that please everyone.
Save the date now for your handfasting ceremony!
The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems |
Read our celebrated book about magic, metaphysics, love spells & other real spells that work:
The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems
Passion & *Diuvei, Coven Oldenwilde (Sterling)
Expanded second edition!
More Witchcraft Books By Us |
Learn and practice essential skills of magic with our series of companion books to The Goodly Spellbook.
Find out more—
Printed books:
Oldenworks Online Witchcraft Shoppe |
Buy Witchcraft magical products, books & rune sets, and Tarot-card decks through our online shoppe and help Coven Oldenwilde serve needy Pagans worldwide:
Oldenworks Witchcraft Products
Learn powerful Witchcraft spell skills with the help of our special collection of unique magical products created or designed by Lady Passion and *Diuvei, at
Oldenwilde Recommended Witchcraft Books
Don’t waste money or time — mind what you put in your mind! Order THE BEST magic, paranormal, nature, herbal, etc. books, each one
reviewed and rated by Lady Passion, at Click below to see their categories:
Witchcraft Basics
Witchcraft-related Subjects
Oldenwilde Recommended Tarot Decks
Bewildered by the vast variety of Tarot card decks available nowadays? Tarot expert Lady Passion sorts more than 100 popular Tarot decks into 20 descriptive categories to help you choose the right ones. Order the Tarot decks you need at
Tarot Deck Categories
Can't find what you want here?
Interviews |

Watch, listen to, and read some of our many lively media interviews
and learn about Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, magic, peace activism & more:
Film/Record/Interview Real Witches!
Video, Audio, & Print Interviews & Appearances
National Geographic magazine prominently features Queen Lady Passion and Coven Oldenwilde in a Travel article, "Paganism is on the rise — here's where to discover its traditions", by Christine Macintyre, published March 22, 2023. Among her quotes, Queen Lady Passion encourages folk to seek out firsthand the transformational experience that immersion in ritual ecstasy brings.
The Blue Banner, the school newspaper of the University of North Carolina at Asheville, has published numerous interviews by student journalists with Queen Lady Passion. Here is a selection from recent years of articles in which these interviews have appeared:
An enlightenment of Witchcraft
"An enlightenment of Witchcraft in Asheville", by Jernigan Neighbors
January 25, 2023
"Witchcraft in the Appalachia", by RaeAnne Genth
September 26, 2021
Practices & religious identification
"Local witch discusses practices and religious identification", by Ezra Maille
November 3, 2019
"Witches' New Year an important tradition, local witches say", by Ezra Maille
October 30, 2018
"Halloween brings opportunities for all religions and walks of life", by Molly Jaben
October 28, 2015
The Yule Sabbat: DJ Mouse, host of "Come On In My Kitchen" on AshevilleFM 103.3, interviews Queen Lady Passion about the Pagan/Wiccan Winter Solstice celebration on Dec. 18 and 25, 2022. The interview is interspersed over two 2-hour broadcasts with a splendidly unconventional playlist of Solstice-themed music.
"Save Asheville's Tree Canopy": P Funk, host of "The Mothership Slight Return" on Ashevillefm103.3, interviews Queen Lady Passion & Steve Rasmussen (*Diuvei) about Asheville's worsening tree-loss crisis, the crucial role trees play in mitigating climate change, and the rapidly growing movement to save Asheville's urban tree canopy from environmentally destructive development practices, on Dec. 5, 2019. See more info incl. how to connect with local tree activists, NASA's interactive heat-island map of Asheville, the city's Urban Tree Canopy Study, video of the Nov. 2019 Climate Change & Asheville's Urban Forest Symposium, & more.
"Rituals & Sabbats": Cheryl Costa, host of "Cosmic Questions" on KCOR Radio, is a big fan of our book Rituals & Sabbats. She talks with Lady Passion about Witch rituals and holidays and takes questions from listeners, on March 19, 2019.
"All Things Witch — Interviewing a High Priestess of Coven Oldenwilde": Carla Cherry, host of "Cosmic Goody Bag", asks Queen Lady Passion the kinds of questions you've always wanted to ask a real Witch, on Oct. 22, 2018.
Cosmic Goody Bag with host Carla Cherry
"Carla interviews a High Priestess of a coven — Queen Lady Passion of Coven Oldenwilde (think Jessica Lange's character in American Horror Story: Coven).
"In the spirit of Halloween (* Samhain) we dive into all things witch learning what happens on Samhain, examples of BEGINNER magic tricks and ADVANCED magic tricks and where the cape and the pointy hat come from. Do ladies zap each other in the coven? What does Lady Passion think of Harry Potter? Has she ever done a spell that went awry? What she has in common with Jim Henson's 'The Dark Crystal' and sooo much more!
"Lady Passion's magical specialties include healer, herbal medicine maker and creator of elaborate rituals for thousands.
"Born Dixie Deerman, she's a fierce advocate for the planet, women's rights and witches' rights. She helped overturn an antiquated divination law (one that made it illegal to practice tarot in public) and has taught hundreds the practice of witchcraft.
"Lady Passion has written 12 books about magic including: Candle Magic, Ask-A-Priestess: Wise Answers From a Real Witch and The Goodly SpellBook."
"Asheville Witches Sign Books for Nonprofit": Lady Passion and *Diuvei's book launch of Rituals & Sabbats and Candle Magic at Malaprop's Bookstore made the Nov. 8, 2017 evening news on WLOS-TV 13, the ABC affiliate for Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina.
"I Spent the Eclipse with Asheville's Witches" by religion writer and Oxford theology PhD Tara Isabella Burton describes her experience participating in the magical-activism ritual Lady Passion conducted during the solar eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017. (.pdf copy)
SPELL UPDATE: Jan. 20, 2021
In 2017, after this article published, I was forced to testify about why I'd "posted against the President" during my bid to get full custody of my sole granddaughter halfway across the country in a backwoods Texas court.
I defended my magic; affirmed that what I said would prove true.
It did. By the time Trump was ousted, he had the lowest public opinion support ever recorded (34%); never broke 50%; never won the popular vote; and was twice impeached.
Witches see far, like me, and our foresight heed.
— Queen Lady Passion
Lady Passion & *Diuvei discuss their upcoming books and some hot-button Pagan topics with Rev. Terry Power and Robin McKean on their Spiritual Unity Radio Network show "Under a Shady Tree", on Jan. 19, 2017:
Under A Shady Tree with Terry & Robin
Lady Passion and *Diuvei describe how they became Witches, and why they are Gardnerians who don't believe Gerald Gardner "made it all up". While discussing their soon-to-be-published books — tentatively titled Candle Magic and Rituals & Sabbats — they urge Pagans to delve deeper into magical ethics than superficial debates about cursing, and describe how the Four Witch Powers oft summoned at the beginning of a ritual (the "Eko Ekos") correspond to a neglected Pagan moral compass, the Four Cardinal Virtues (three of which still appear in most Tarot decks' Major Arcana).
Lady Passion & *Diuvei have been featured twice by paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren on his WWNC 570 AM radio show "Speaking Of Strange":
Speaking Of Strange: March 5, 2016
"Witchcraft in 2016: Warren will be joined by Queen Lady Passion and *Diuvei, High Priestess and High Priest of Coven Oldenwilde in Asheville, North Carolina. "Have you felt the WEIRD energy in the world right now? They will explain what's happening. AND what makes a spell effective for you?
"PLUS, we'll dive into their work defeating North Carolina's anti-fortune-telling law, their experiments with The Wishing Machine, helping prisoners find a new path, and much more."
— From
NOTE: Sound quality improves after the first segment of this 47-minute broadcast.
Speaking Of Strange: Dec. 4, 2010
"12-4-10 Show: The Witches! This coming week, Warren's new Museum finally opens.
One of the exhibits features the saga of Lady Passion and Diuvei of Coven Ovenwilde. Against all odds, they fought to preserve the Old Jail Building, below the Magnolia tree, that now houses Warren's Museum. [UPDATE: The Asheville Mystery Museum is now housed in the basement of the Masonic Temple, 60 Broadway.] "Lady Passion and Diuvei will be LIVE in the studio to tell us their personal stories, and how the power of Wiccan magic made the 'impossible possible.' They will also share some spells YOU can use at home tonight!"
— From
Interview (three .mp3 files):
*Diuvei was interviewed by Barry Summers on about local law-enforcement and government reform on Aug. 18, 2014:
Making Progress: News for a Change
- Asheville's Planning and Zoning Commission — now up for a possible membership turnover — is the most powerful appointed board in city government, with more potential to affect the quality of your life than even City Council. But you in turn can affect them more than you may know, even if you're not a wealthy developer, asserts community activist and Making Progress guest co-host Steve Rasmussen.
- Following co-host David Lynch's review of the current nationwide police-militarization trend, David, Steve, and Barry recall the days when they first met and worked together — March 19th, 2003. We were all protesting the beginning of the invasion of Iraq, and Steve, Barry, Lady Passion, and 30 other peaceful protesters were arrested by the Asheville Police Dept. in an action which caused outrage and controversy. It was also the beginning of the organization Asheville Justice Watch. Along with many other local activists, we worked to try to create a Citizen Review Board for the APD.
- Video of the 2003 Asheville Iraq War protest and arrests by Shane Perlowin.
- Asheville Justice Watch 2005 report on APD
- See more links on plice militarization at Making Progress: News for a Change program page
Simply Savory: Magical and Medieval Recipes and its author, Lady Passion, are prominently featured in the Oct. 24, 2012 issue of Mountain Xpress: "Witchin' in the kitchen: Deciphering the magic of food", including her recipe for Flaming Glogg! Simply Savory is a woodcut-illustrated, affordable ebook — read excerpts and buy Simply Savory at
*Diuvei was interviewed by Elder Rawchaa & Brother Gaja of the Gathering of Christ Church on "Search Engine International", Sept. 19 & 26, 2012.
1: Pagan origins of, influence on Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Members of the Gathering of Christ Church, an international Black Hebrew church, believe modern Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are built mainly on stolen Pagan rituals, myths, symbols, and practices. To confirm this, they sought *Diuvei's expertise as a Pagan Priest. He answers a wide range of questions they and callers from around the world asked about Pagan and Wiccan history, symbols, and beliefs and about magic, spells, and the Pagan Gods in this riveting 4-hour MP3.
2: Paganism's differences with Bible-based monotheism
GOCC members called and emailed in so many questions for *Diuvei that he agreed to answer them in a second interview — which proved more contentious than the first. The Witch and the church elders debate their strongly different stands on homosexuality, sex, idolatry, the validity of the Bible, whether child sacrifice and orgies are real, the rituals of rich & powerful at the Bohemian Grove, and much more in this 4-hour MP3.
Lady Passion was interviewed by Tara Miller on Aug. 31, 2012. Here are the questions covered and an MP3 recording of the interview:
Clandestine: Witch Secrets and Mysteries
- The world's first religion was Paganism, which is why adherents call it "the Olde Religion." How was magic forced underground?
- In one traditional Book of Shadows, Witches are called "the Hidden Children." Is a history of persecution the reason why many feel compelled to keep their magic secret?
- Versions of old Craft "laws" posted online also urge Pagans to deny their identity. Times have changed since they were written down.
So what should Witches keep secret today, and why?
- Proof of magic's antiquity and continual popularity abounds. For instance, the Vatican confiscated thousands of magic books over the centuries.
So how does Craft secrecy encourage some writers and detractors to label Wicca modern, a neo-Pagan invention of the 1950s?
- Despite millennia of persecuting heathens — and contrary to their assertion — monotheists (Christians, Jews, and Muslims) not only don't dominate the planet, they're loosing believers in droves.
Factoring billions of Hindus, polytheists outnumber monotheists around the globe — so how are they reacting to this?
- As of this year, Paganism is believed to be the 3rd largest religion in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere.
How do people and the planet benefit from Witches being public?
"UNCA Interfaith Dialogue: Is Religion Relevant?": Lady Passion & *Diuvei participated in a lively panel discussion of this question with local representatives of many faiths before a standing-room-only crowd at UNC-Asheville on Nov. 17, 2011.
- Lady Passion gives tips on kitchen witchery in "Add Some Real Witchcraft to Your Cooking," in Jan./Feb. 2011 Spirituality & Health.
Lady Passion is interviewed in "Southern, Pagan & Proud: A visit to America's Bible Belt," in Issue #22 (Winter 2010) of Witches & Pagans Magazine.
Fox Carolina News Special Report: The Witches of Western North Carolina was a beautifully filmed lead story featuring Coven Oldenwilde, Lady Passion & *Diuvei, and visiting students from Brevard College's religious studies class participating in our fire-leaping Ostara ritual for spring equinox in 2010.
Samhain Rituals |
Every Halloween since 1995, Pagans from all across the Southeastern U.S. have gathered with Coven Oldenwilde to dance, divine, and have a wondrous time! Since 2015 we've hosted our annual Samhain rite at the Covenstead, open by RSVP. (For announcements about Samhain and other open Sabbat rituals, subscribe to our newsletter.)
See photos, video, stories, news coverage, and more:
Our Wiccan Wins |

Asheville's forerunner of Occupy Wall Street
repealed. We won! North Carolina General Statute 14-401.5
banning clairvoyance and fortunetelling is no more. On Samhain 2004, we
publicly burned it. Find
out more about how our state's Witches and the ACLU together
beat this bad law.
- Pictures
and information about North Carolina Witches' and Pagans' protest
against the antiquated
state law against palmistry and divination that N.
C. police used to arrest psychics and shut down metaphysical
bookstores. See how we got this unconstitutional law repealed!
How to
Win Wiccan
Religious Freedoms: Advice for Pagan parents, schoolchildren,
renters, employees, military personnel, and prisoners who are
experiencing religious persecution.
- Compelling the Virginia state prison system to allow inmates tarot cards is indicative of our ongoing international work. Read "The Bliss of Besting Bigots" by Lady Passion.
We've been helping persecuted Pagans & Wiccans in prisons and mental institutions win their religious rights and pursue a magical path since 1995. Each year, Lady Passion answers hundreds of aid and information requests from inmates, relatives, chaplains, and officials.
the Black
Campaign to end religious persecution:
- How to Win Wiccan Rights — Learn how to beat anti-Witch bigots who are trying to convert you, harass you, punish you, fire you, evict you, seize your children, etc. simply because you are an open Pagan employee, parent, prisoner, student, etc.
- Institutional
Prejudice Against Witches Denies Religious Freedom
— Our commentary on the modern methods that public institutions and
officials use to discriminate against Wiccans and Pagans.
- It's
Illegal to Disrupt a Ritual—
Fundamentalist protestors who shout, pray, sing psalms, proselytize, or
harass people attending at a Pagan or Wiccan religious event are
breaking the law and can be arrested.
Witches at Bele Chere (the largest annual street festival in the Southeastern U.S., held in late July):
DID YOU KNOW? Coven Oldenwilde offers a free e-vite list to participate in or keep apprised of our exploits. 📃 :.:.I'LL BE INVOLVED!::.. |
More Books by Lady Passion |
More Writings |
Listen to part
of the Oldenwilde
chant, written & sung by Lady Passion, accompanied by *Diuvei. |
"America's Pagan Heritage" is one of's most popular sections. Learn why the U.S. has so many Pagan patriotic symbols and what they mean — flag pentagrams, liberty goddesses, courthouse temples, &c. — how surprisingly Pagan the Founders were, why Wiccans are activists, more.
you a
student, an educator, or a life-long learner? Read *Diuvei's
essay on the quadrivium,
the millenia-old "four-way crossroads" of arithmetic, music, geometry,
and astronomy through which all other disciplines are
interconnected — and the origin of liberal-arts education. (Also
explored in The Goodly Spellbook.) |
More of What Coven Oldenwilde Does |
covenstead (pictured at right) is certified as Backyard Wildlife Habitat
site no. 46961.
To find out how to make your yard a wildlife
habitat, visit the National
Wildlife Federation. |
Oldenwilde's listing in the Resources Guide (p. 523 & 596) in
Margot Adler's revised edition of Drawing Down the Moon. |
Wiccan Warnings |
Sifting the dedicated from the dysfunctional Seeker ...
Unethical people claiming to be Witches or Priest/esses can mislead sincere Seekers. Learn how to
recognize and avoid them.
What motivates hate-mongers to lie about goodly Witches?
Free Gift |
FREE Witchy
desktop/screen saver!
this sun-spangled Avebury standing-stone pic featuring a
natural central spiral.
Donate to Help Us Help You & Others Worldwide |
DID YOU KNOW? Coven Oldenwilde helps persecuted Pagan inmates nationwide daily — we're involved in 500 jails and prisons throughout every U.S. state & Puerto Rico. :.:.WAY TO REDUCE CRIME!::.. |